A solar Park, also referred to as a solar power plant or PV power station is a type of solar energy installation that operates on a larger scale. Depending on the project, various ownership models are available, and the customers that benefit from the solar park can vary.
There are two primary types of solar technology: photovoltaic (PV) solar and concentrated solar power (CSP). A PV Park uses solar panels to generate a current of solar electricity, while CSP utilizes mirrors to focus sunlight and create steam to power turbines or engines.
Typically, solar parks consist of ground-mounted PV systems located on unoccupied land that is free of shading from trees or other structures. These projects can span anywhere from a few acres to several kilometres, and rooftop solar projects are typically not included.
GreenChip offers private solar park services for commercial and industrial power consumers across India. These services require little to no investment, such as third-party and group captive options, and are priced at a discount to grid electricity tariffs. We, like other solar Park companies, also provide “captive” solutions for those who prefer to own solar parks themselves.
Large-scale Renewable
Economies of
Grid Integration &
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